Reading gives us wisdom and grows our empathy and compassion for others. I find writing magnifies this growth. As I attempt to move my hand from writing picture book stories to longer works of fiction, I am learning so much more than the art of storytelling. I’m also learning how to be a better human.
My current work in progress is particularly challenging. I’ve placed my characters in fictional situations far removed from my own experiences of safety and security. And as I write about their journey, it gives me a better insight into human suffering. I have a greater awareness that we are all people. People who desire to be safe and to be loved. We deserve to have our emotions and the ways we respond to traumatic events honoured and not judged. This is part of the human condition. If we travel through life with this understanding, how much greater is our capacity for loving others and how much richer will all our lives be.
I am being enriched by my characters’ fictional lives. I hope one day you will be too. And so…now I end this blog to continue writing their story. I know there will only be the opportunity to share their journey once it is complete.